

Hey,我是Fioncat (Wenqian),一个不知名的开发者。



  • Kubernetes,搭建过各种各样业务,各种规格的集群;深入过Kubernetes源代码排查问题;编写过operator;编写过集群管理平台;编写过CNI、IPAM、CSI、CloudProvider、ClusterAutoScaler、SchedulerExtender等各种插件;适配过Nvidia显卡以进行AI训练和推理。熟悉Kubernetes各个组件、运作模式,擅长各种花式client-go写法,yaml boy
  • 云原生生态,围绕Kubernetes诞生的云原生生态,以及脱离Kubernetes的更广泛的云原生范畴。Istio、Jaeger、Cilium、KubeVirt、KubeEdge、CloudEvents等等,时常思考怎么将这些优秀的项目应用于实际。
  • Containerd,Docker,CRIO,编写过底层插件;基于firecracker做过容器的micro-vm化;做过基于eStargz+FUSE+NFS的镜像按需加载(类似于nydus),以在Kubernetes中运行弹性AI训练任务。对容器以及镜像底层结构颇有了解。
  • API Gateway,参与过网关基础架构建设,使用LUA编写过apisix插件,也写过原生的openresty脚本。做过复杂的k8s apisix operator,实现网关跟Ingress的结合。



  • ArchLinux,我是忠实的Arch系粉丝,工作中完全使用ArchLinux进行开发,业余时间喜欢活跃于Arch社区的讨论,参与贡献过archlinux 简明指南
  • Neovim,从开始学编程就一直使用Vim,Neovim是目前为止我最喜欢的Vim编辑器,参与贡献过ayamir/nvimdotsneovim/nvim-lspconfig
  • Rust,这是我目前最喜欢的一门编程语言。目前业余时间开发的所有项目都用Rust完成。希望有机会找到Rust相关的开发工作。目前还是学习阶段(数不清第几次入门了),它精美的编译器设计真的非常让人陶醉。
  • 看书,写博客。虽然我一直从事运维开发,但是我对于传统后端领域一直保持热情。一直有阅读关于数据库、网络、并发等方面的计算机书籍。



Hey, I’m Fioncat (Wenqian), an unknown developer.

No significant achievements, no experience in big tech companies, and no contributions to well-known open-source projects. However, I have a passion for coding and am willing to dedicate myself to it.

Currently, I am working in the field of Cloud Native(Cloud Naive), and my past and ongoing activities include:

  • Kubernetes: Setup various business applications, clusters of different specifications; delved into Kubernetes source code for issue troubleshooting; wrote operators, cluster management platforms, and various plugins like CNI, IPAM, CSI, CloudProvider, ClusterAutoScaler, SchedulerExtender; adapted Nvidia GPUs for AI training and inference. Proficient in Kubernetes components, operation modes, and skilled in various client-go coding styles, yaml boy.
  • Cloud Native Ecosystem: Engaged with the Cloud Native ecosystem around Kubernetes and the broader Cloud Native scope beyond Kubernetes. Familiar with projects such as Istio, Jaeger, Cilium, KubeVirt, KubeEdge, CloudEvents, and constantly exploring practical applications for these excellent projects.
  • Containerd, Docker, CRIO: Developed low-level plugins; implemented container micro-VMs based on Firecracker; created image on-demand loading using eStargz+FUSE+NFS (similar to Nydus) for elastic AI training tasks on Kubernetes. In-depth understanding of container and image underlying structures.
  • API Gateway: Contributed to gateway infrastructure, wrote APISIX plugins using LUA, and developed a complex k8s APISIX operator, integrating the gateway with Ingress.

I don’t fit the traditional backend developer mold; I’m more involved in the company’s infrastructure work. You could say I’m in an intermediary role between operations and development, or perhaps, an “Ops Developer.”

Technology, for me, is not just a job; it’s a hobby. I enjoy tinkering with various computer-related things during business hours and beyond, including:

  • ArchLinux: A devoted Arch Linux fan, I exclusively use ArchLinux for development. In my free time, I actively participate in discussions in the Arch community and have contributed to the ArchLinux concise guide.
  • Neovim: I’ve been using Vim since I started coding, and Neovim is currently my favorite Vim editor. I’ve contributed to ayamir/nvimdots and neovim/nvim-lspconfig.
  • Rust: My current favorite programming language. All my hobby projects are developed in Rust. I’m in the learning phase (who knows how many times I’ve started), and its exquisite compiler design truly captivates me. I hope to find Rust-related development opportunities.
  • Reading and Blogging: Despite my role in Ops development, I maintain enthusiasm for traditional backend topics. I regularly read computer books on databases, networks, concurrency, and more.

I love the open-source community and actively participate in it. I hope to contribute more to the community in the future.

Yes, that’s me - an introverted, unknown programmer who silently loves everything about computers.